Anorectal Surgery
Anorectal or Colorectal Surgery is the subspeciality to deal with the diseases of terminal part of our intestine i.e. anus, rectum, colon. Diseases of these parts are very common due to our current lifestyle. A person suffering from diseases of these area usually feel shy about there problem hence they neither share there suffering from there family members nor with qualified doctors and most of the time take advise and treatment from quacks and land up in various complications & problems. Now with the availablity  and accessesibility of qualified doctors of diseases of these areas (popularly known as protocologist) which was considered sin in past suffering of patients of diseases of these areas have been curtailed dramatically.
Facilities Availaible
- Piles
- Fissure
- Fistula
- Prolapse Rectum
- Pilonidal Sinus
- Cancer Treatment
By Latest Techniques Like
- Rectopexy
- Hemicolectomy